Dated four-plus years ago…. The Kenyan King is gone, but we are closer today that at any time in our life. Antifa, BLM, Impeachment, Gun-grab legislation, MURDER by abortion and the kidnapping of children by the likes of Epstein and many others. War is just around the corner – every cozy little corner! ~ Ed.

Beginning this year, a conspiracy long at work behind the scenes of our government, will make its first overt move. These conspirators plan to create a dictatorship in the United States, suspend our Constitution and attempt to confiscate all guns and firearms in American homes.

The recent executive actions of Obama are signs of this being implemented.

Stage 1
Will be to create “Civil Unrest” in major U.S. cities such as New York, Chicago, Detroit, etc.; This will be preceded by a month of subliminal programming via TV and other media to condition the people for civil war in the United States. Press releases released by Time-Warner [a ROCKEFELLER corporation] and 5 other corporate owned media moguls will further inflame the citizens of the United States and further the causes of civil unrest.

UET Game Studio launched a new Game Zombie Doom – Fortnight Zombies Battle Royal The FPS game features the zombie horde like never seen before. Stunning 3D graphics make the monster terrorizing and instill. Sets the maximum amount of regular zombies: zcommonlimit: sets the maximum health of the tank: ztankhealth sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the tank from not attacking survivors: zfrustrationlifetime sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do friendly fire damage: sbfriendlyfire. /horde destroy - Destroy the specified horde /horde create - Create a new horde on the closest valid point to your position. Creating hordes with chat or console commands will bypass the horde limit set in your config /horde createloadout - Copies your current inventory to a new zombie loadout in your config Permission. Zombie Horde III: The New Zombie Has No Fear. Free Zombie Games from AddictingGames.


Stage 2
Should be ready to take effect this summer. Special agents of the conspiracy, masquerading as police, may open fire on American people standing to defend the constitution and their Constitutional Rights. Other agents will set off incendiary bombs as they did recently in the Occupy Movement.

Which essentially was a “test case” that surpassed the expectations of the conspirators. These special agents, masquerading as police, massacre these Blacks and minorities and fire at the real policemen. This brings in more police and the riots escalate. Inner city gangs, already fully armed, join in the fray. The real police, vastly outnumbered, cannot handle the rioting. The National Guard is called in and fired upon by [other] special agents masquerading as gang members, who also enlist other gang members to fight the police and national guardsmen.

Zombie Horde 2fun In Ict Syllabus

Zombie Horde 2fun In Ict

. . .

Stage 3
These riots continue with many Americans slaughtered in major cities. the Globalist plans that are in effect, will usher in the U.N. “Peace Keeping ” Force. Also, a growing number of reports of United Nations military equipment being seen passing through U.S. communities on trains, trucks, etc., have been surfacing in recent years.

There are many reports of National Guardsmen working with U.N troops, undergoing specialized house-to-house search and seizure training and urban warfare tactics. I was also told that two men who managed to sneak into a Federal military plane ‘graveyard’ outside of Phoenix, Arizona had came across several freight train box-cars in which they discovered what they estimated to be from 2 to 3 million brand-new SHACKLES that were apparently being stored there, just waiting to be used!

President George Bush in a speech to Congress on SEPTEMBER 11, (9/11) 1990, SAID THIS: “[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times…a New World Order can emerge.”

In his September 21, 1992 speech to the United Nations, President George Bush announced that foreign troops, would occupy America and train for a New WorldOrder Army. He stated:

Stage 4
If the riots take-over scenario failed to materialize into a National Emergency and a New World Order takeover at THAT time. The New World Order advocates will create yet another crisis to further there agenda. For some reason they are desperate to bring about the New World Order takeover of the United States of America, that is definitely their goal. If all else fails they may attempt an all-out United Nations invasion of the U.S., using whatever possible means they can to “justify” such a “U.N. Operation.” During later this year the chaos continues and more ‘UN’ troops pour into the United States, mostly mercenaries who have fought in Syria, Libya, African nations and other ‘hot spots’ previously. [The butchery of these troops is well documented].

Stage 5
Then a well-planned ‘crash’ of the stock market will occur, a dramatic drop to at least 1500 on the DJ Industrial Average. Along with the crash of the U.S. Dollar. This event [is] planned to further weaken, panic and confuse the population. Followed by a failure in the U.S. food chain delivery system, food shortages will follow.

Stage 6
…The Constitution of the United States is suspended and the people are now living under martial law in a totally FASCIST state. We have no way of knowing that these things will happen [we hope and pray they do not], but if any of the above should occur, you can rest assured the balance of this evil scenario will follow. Their two main immediate goals are to DISARM American citizens and SUSPEND our Constitution.

Zombie Horde 2fun In Ict Igcse


Written by Josey Wales for Before It’s NEWS ~ March 28, 2016

In order to save his Realm from the incoming hordes of adventurers, Oryx must create a horde of his own. With this purpose in mind he turns to Skuld, who has taken the souls of brave departed heroes and corrupted them to fight for the Mad God. For years, Skuld has been slowly building an army, and this Halloween he will finally be ready to release his creations into the world. Will you be ready to fend off legions of the undead? Or will you be the next to join their ranks? (Official Announcement)

The Zombie Horde is a Halloween event which can happen a few times per realm, where players must beat back waves of zombified foes. After dispatching the legions of the undead, the final boss of the event, Bonegrind the Undead Butcher, can be fought for loot.

The Realm Eye says:
Limon pleaded with Oryx to do something more environmentally conscious with the dead bodies of mortals piling up throughout the realm.
The Mad God consulted Skuld on this matter. Together, they hatched the idea that there would be no greater opponent against your kind than yourselves.
Skuld’s zombifying magic worked, leaving Oryx quite proud of his recycling efforts. Limon, on the other hand, was not thrilled to learn that Oryx’s idea of going green related to skin tone.


  • Enemies





Infected Skin
(Bonegrind only)
Dagger of the Terrible Talon
Staff of Horrific Knowledge
Skull-splitter Sword


Zombie horde 2fun in ict course

Bring piercing weapons to hit the boss and to get soulbound on more enemies. High DPS is always encouraged because often these zombies die as soon as you turn your fire upon them nowadays.


As of Patch 27.7.X7 (Oct 2016), the Zombie Horde spawned in realms again as an event that appears usually once or twice a realm. Also, it has a new boss, Bonegrind the Undead Butcher.

The Zombie Samurai began arising from the Horde in Halloween 2018.

The Zombie Bard was introduced into the game files in Patch X.34.0.0 (May 2020). It has not spawned in game.