Level 9 Magical Key Final Arrow Onyx Ending.

  1. Legend of Zelda: Awakening of Onyx - Zelda Awakening of Onyx is a one quest hack that was originally made in Spanish and has recently been translated into English.
  2. This chapter covers the original version of Link's Awakening DX for the Game Boy Color. If you are playing on the Nintendo Switch version, check out the The Awakening Walkthrough.

This utility was created during the development of The Legend of Zelda: A New Light to explore the column combos that are used to build screens. There’s very little info on this aspect of the game and no existing tools to work with it. The utility eventually progressed into a full map generator.

The tool can be used by hackers to aid in modifying Zelda columns and screens or explore other hacks. It is exploratory only and does not write any data.


It can also be used by players to generate a map of their favorite Zelda hack when they are stuck or otherwise want to see a full map of the game.

It is written in Javascript and HTML so it’s easily hackable.

The following maps are included in the package:

The Legend Of Zeldaawakening Of Onox

General Features:

  • Read ROM data to generate an accurate map
  • Provide APIs to explore and render combo data and screens
  • Display data locations so they can be modified by the hacker
  • Display all secret locations
  • Display level locations
  • Display flute secrets
  • Display lost woods and lost hills paths
  • Display armos secrets
  • Display shop locations and items
  • Includes example maps (listed above)

Please PM gzip with questions or other feedback.

After you get all eight Essences of Nature, go to the Maku Tree in HoronVillage. He gives you a Huge Maku Seed, which has the power to penetrateevil forces. This allows you to enter Onox's Castle.

Go to the Castle

To reach Onox's Castle, warp to North Horon. Go south, west, north,west, go across the bridge and go north twice, then go west through thehollow log. Go north, kill the Ball and Chain soldier, then go west,and north. The maku seed uses the essences to dispel the evil powerprotecting the castle. Then a cloaked figure appears and turns into Twinrova, who says that they will revive the Evil King. The Maku Treeurges you to defeat Onox and rescue Din.

Go north until you reach the entrance to the castle. Go inside.

How to Heal Up in Onox's Castle


Whenever you go west or east in this place, you reach a room thathas a fairy, but these rooms also have tiles that throw themselves at you. Try standingin the doorway and using the magical boomerang to grab the fairy and preventthe door from locking you in.

Go North

Go north from the entrance, killing all of the enemies in each roomand continuing north. If you don't kill all of the monsters in a room,going north just sends you back to the room you just left. You will face Wizzrobes, then Darknuts andWallmasters, and then you will have to once again fight the mini-bossFacade.


To defeat Facade, place bombs in the center of the room whenFacade appears. (It's only vulnerable to bombs.) Keep moving around so you can avoid the beetles,fireballs, and holes in the floor that Facade creates.

Go north from Facade's room. Break the pots on the sides of the roomto restore your items.

Go north to face Demon General Onox.

Demon General Onox

Onox is only vulnerable to spin attacks.Onox swings his mace around much like a Ball and Chain soldier. The safestdirection from which to spin attack him is the bottom left. He will sometimes throwthe spiked ball at you. Try jumping when this happens. Also, he can makeboulders fall from the ceiling, so move around a lot and avoid shadows.In addition, he sometimes throws whirlwinds at you. Try to jump overthose.

The legend of zelda - awakening of onyx

Eventually Onox will use the crystal that Din is trapped in as a shield.If you hit the crystal with your sword, you get electrocuted. Use theRod of Seasons to knock the crystal out of the way whenever it's inthe way, and continue spin attackingOnox as before.

Eventually the floor will collapse. Fall down and Onox will appear,and will turn into Dark Dragon Onox.

Dark Dragon Onox

The Legend Of Zeldaawakening Of Onox

The dragon will smash his hands toward you. Avoid the hands, then jumponto the back of a hand and wait for Onox to pull it back up. Jump from thehand and hit Onox's face with a spin attack. Try to wait until Onoxis flying in the direction of the hand that you are on. For example, ifyou are on the right hand, wait for Onox to fly toward the right.Otherwise, Onox's face might go out of reach when you try to jump and hit it.

The Legend Of Zelda Download

Sometimes Onox will breathe blue fire. These flamesmove slowly, but the flames are tall, so try to sidestep them in such away that you don't have to jump over them.Sometimes he shoots red fireballs. Try using Pegasus Seeds to stay outof the way of those. In addition, sometimes Onox swipes his clawsideways along the ground. Try to move away from Onox if he seems to be movingtoward the side of the screen. That way you can wait on the far side of thescreen, which should be safe because Onox doesn't swipe all the way across.

The Legend Of Zelda Link's Awakening Walkthrough

After you have hit Onox'sface enough times, he will be gone for good. Walk up to Din's crystal andshe will break free. Watch the ending, then when the 'The End' screen appears, press A and then make a note of theSecret of Labrynna. Use this when creating a new Oracle of Ages game so you can get rid of Twinrova!