WHO began when our Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day. We are now more than 7000 people working in 150 country offices, in six regional offices and at our headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Who Is Involved in the Global Response to HIV and AIDS?There are many nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in the global response to HIV and AIDS. Below are some of the largest NGOs working to prevent new HIV infections and scale up access to treatment and related health services for people with HIV.The Global FundThe Global Fund is a partnership designed to accelerate. Gifts are considered to be without restriction unless explicitly stipulated by the donor. If contributed funds exceed the specific need of a project, or due to unforeseen circumstances the project cannot be completed, those funds will be used where they will make the greatest impact to fulfill the mission and purpose of Wold Help.

An education is a dangerous thing. Scary dangerous. So scary that 19th century plantation owners whipped their slaves for becoming literate, 20th century Nazis burned piles of books, and within the past decade the jihadist militant group Boko Haram has murdered hundreds of Nigerian students whose only crime was to pursue a “Western education.” What is it about a basic education that tyrants and terrorists find so unsettling?

Certainly it makes no difference to them that we can add two and two. Nor should they care that we can locate Greece or Syria on a map. It is not the ability to find the right answers that makes education a fearsome tool; rather, it is the ability to ask the hard questions. We call this skill critical thinking. When used properly, it is the best tool we have and our greatest hope for advancing the world towards peace and prosperity.

In all aspects of life there is room for improvement. It is the responsibility of the global citizen to question the status quo and push for progress with equal vigor in all spheres, from the sociopolitical to the environmental. Moreover, it is a leader’s duty not just to encourage this sort of thinking, but to insist upon it.

Consider Cesar Herada, an inventor and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to developing environmental cleanup technologies. In the wake of the 2010 BP oil spill, Herada began to develop a revolutionary sailboat design as a way to sweep oil off the ocean surface more efficiently. As he worked, Herada published his progress online and scientists around the globe began to tackle the problem. As development continued, each contributor posted his progress back to the original project, called Protei.

Herada has shown remarkable leadership by tossing the old method of competitive research in exchange for a completely collaborative open source project. By questioning tradition and putting the needs of the world ahead of his own self-interests, Herada found a way to tap into the remarkable potential of human cooperation. Such achievement is the promise of critical thinking.

Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani girl, also realized the power of asking questions. She did not understand why the Taliban would forbid girls from attending school, so she began work on a blog about her experiences with the terrorist group. Her work garnered international attention and praise. In October 2012 the Taliban tried to kill Malala to silence her ideas, but she survived. And her voice? It was amplified to a truly global level.

In the wake of the assassination attempt, the UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown launched a petition in Malala’s name with the goal of achieving access to school for all children by the year 2015. This story highlights irrefutable progress towards the betterment of society on a global level. Malala’s experience has been so impactful not just because she dared to ask a question, but also because she made the world stop and ask the question too.

Good leaders encourage others to educate themselves. The best leaders provide others with the courage to use that education as a tool to question the world—to take a microscope to tradition and scrutinize the status quo with a fine-tooth comb. If we do not ask this ambition of every global citizen, if leaders are as satisfied simply to be shepherds as followers are to be sheep, then at best we are wasting vast amounts of individual potential, and at worst we may never realize our global potential to be a peaceful and healthy society.

Our challenge then, is to reconstruct our views of education. The process does not start at matriculation, nor does it end at graduation. We must be on a relentless journey toward self-betterment. We must ask questions of ourselves and the people and institutions around us, so as to increase our knowledge as a society. We must make it our duty as leaders to encourage these same values in everyone, in every situation.

It is our firm belief that if we hold these responsibilities with conviction, humanity will find within itself an ability to develop peacefully and prosperously at a pace we have never before experienced.

The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position of the United States Military Academy, the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense

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You may be wondering what time management has to do with health, so bear with me and read on. The interactive world we live in allows for plenty of distractions. There are distractions by our coworkers or our spouses as well as family and friends. Then there are our own vices browsing through the latest sports scores or seeing which band is going to be playing at our favorite music venue. Some of these distractions are welcome, and they should be. All too often, however, distractions can become a nuisance that interferes with our productivity. Here are some simple tips for time management to help us all stay more focused.

Try to Determine Your Most Productive Work Times

We humans definitely have ebbs and flows in our productivity. For instance, if you’re a writer, you may find that writing in the morning is your most optimal time. If that’s the case, concentrate your writing schedule for mornings only and use the afternoons for other tasks. You may need to track what you are doing for several days or weeks to see when these optimum times occur and to determine their frequency. There are even software packages that can help do the tracking for you. Here’s a great free tool for you to try: http://rememberthemilk.com

Come Up with a Plan on What Success Means

Just throwing together a bunch of tasks is as useful as having no tasks defined at all. In other words, neither is very useful. Work with your manager and determine what kinds of tasks or goals will be needed in order to increase your productivity. Your manager will have his or her department’s objectives in mind which can be used to determine how you can best contribute. You may even use these as part of your performance review. The great thing about doing this consistently is that you can make adjustments for the tasks that are not working out or where you may need extra help. Your manager will appreciate you for trying to become more productive and for being proactive.

Give Yourself a Break

Having a well-defined plan is a great way to increase your productivity, but don’t beat yourself up if you happen to have a few days that are not as productive as others. Sometimes the tasks are going to slip up and you will be more distracted than at other times. This is normal for us mortals, and you should allow for some down time to recharge yourself. No one is expecting you to be a productivity robot.

Be Consistent

Time management is a skill which needs to be learned, practiced and applied. It takes some adjusting in the beginning but is really just a matter of changing how you structure your work and the tasks to complete your work. This requires a consistent commitment to making it work.


How do these simple tips for time management relate to health? In our crazy, too-much-to-do world, anything that helps you be more organized and that reduces your stress level is a real step toward a happier, healthier you!

Cheryl A Major, CNWC

Cheryl A Major lives in Westford and is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant. Her TV show, Thin Strong Healthy, airs on WestfordCat and is an offshoot of her blog http://ThinStrongHealthy.com Cheryl offers ongoing information and personal health coaching to help you feel better and be healthier. Follow Cheryl on Twitter @CherylAMajor. She is also a full time residential Realtor with Coldwell Banker with more than 25 years experience.


Questions? Email Cheryl at [email protected] and be sure to put Health Question in the subject line. Your question and its answer will be included in a future article

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P.S. Get a copy of this special report I’ve prepared as my free gift to you: 10 Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget at http://ThinStrongHealthy.com . As a bonus, you will receive Your Major Health Minutes, a quick bite of healthy information that will come to you a couple of times a week. You know you want to lose weight and be healthier!