This Bible Study on Colossians provides us an insight into the nature of Jesus Christ. Specifically, we see Jesus as the very image of God, as the Creator, as He who has always existed, as the head of the church and as the great reconciler, and most importantly, as the one in whom all the fullness of God dwells.

CC Colossians Notes - Online Lutheran Bible Study Below are notes taken from the Concordia Commentary on Colossians by Paul E. Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1/2 Thessalonians Pastoral Epistles Philemon: Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter/Jude Johannine Epistles Revelation: Backgrounds; NT Primary Source Material NT Canon NT Criticism NT Textual Criticism NT Hermeneutics NT Introductions NT Theology NT Theological Dictionaries. Online Lutheran Bible Study. Home Bible Studies Bible Notes Divine Service/Liturgy DELTO/CE Notes Bible Introduction Notes. Home Bible Studies Bible Notes Divine Service/Liturgy DELTO/CE Notes Bible Introduction Notes Miscellaneous Old Testament Theology This page contains notes on the Concordia Commentary of Joshua by Dr.

This study is designed for small groups but can be used for individual study as well. It features daily study questions and is designed to cover a chapter a week for four weeks.

Besides the great things we learn about Jesus as noted above, we also learn about false philosophy, Christian grace, the Christian family, and the character of the new man or woman in Christ.

Each of the four weekly studies in this study is designed to help you learn just what the Word of God says and how you can apply it in your daily life. Why not start your Bible study today?

-- In this study we'll see the supremacy of Jesus Christ, the greatness of His reconciliation between mankind and God Almighty, and the great example of the Apostle Paul in his sacrificial service for the Lord.

Chapter 2

-- In this chapter we read along as the Apostle Paul explains that Christians are in danger of being cheated by philosophy. This is still true for Christians today where some say that you need something besides, or in addition to, the Lord Jesus Christ.


-- Here in this chapter, we learn of the New Man and the Christian family. We also learn about what wonderful and glorious thing will happen to the believers in Jesus Christ when He returns.

Chapter 4

-- In this final lesson, we can learn how to adopt Christian principles from the Bible to our workplaces and home with an emphasis on Christian graces. In this chapter we also learn about several of the Apostle Paul's companions.

We pray this study of Colossians blesses you.

Cc Colossians Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Lessons

Bible Study Lessons ›Colossians

Hebrews is deep, but worth it! Hebrews can be a daunting book to study. It is deep and full of sometimes difficult to understand terms and theology. Yet we should not give up just because it is difficult! 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” If we are to fully understand God’s Word we are to be diligent in study. If we are, the reward is great.

Study Hebrews together with other believers. One of the best places to delve into Bible study is in small discussion groups. When we meet with other believers to study the Word we are challenged to dig into it and share what we have learned with one another fulfilling the command found in Hebrews 10:24-25 to, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Recently I led a Bible study group through a weekly chapter by chapter study of Hebrews. It was exciting to discover the nuggets of powerful truth which were uncovered through faithful study of His Word.

Comprehensive Bible study notes. I have posted these inductive Bible study notes of Hebrews on this site to help others who are studying this Epistle. All of the notes are my own personal study notes and are divided into discussion questions, cross-references, and key teaching points for each passage. Please feel free to share them or print them as desired. I only ask that you include a link back to this site if you post them on other sites online. For more on our ministry please visit our about page.

Cc Colossians Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study

Key themes. As we studied through the book of Hebrews, several overarching topics kept popping up again and again. The main themes in Hebrews include the superiority of Christ, the superiority of the new covenant, and urgent calls for the believer to persevere in his faith.

Cc Colossians Notesonline Lutheran Bible Study

Cc Colossians Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Guide

Begin studying! There is no time like the present to delve right in. Jump to the chapter you want in our menu or start with Hebrews 1.

Cc Colossians Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Bible

Hebrews 11:1

“Now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”