

Unlike Zeikun, Sachiro adapted a bit to the modern world. He is a fast learner even after losing his memories. Now the question is if his sword skills sync in virtual reality hmm. I think many people had a different opinion about Sachiro before reading his story. The plot twist wasn’t included in the demo. That drawing of Zeikun is A+, by the way. ^^ hey hey I made a thing. Pinlin Regular Posts: 98 Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:33 pm Projects: Dark nights Tumblr.


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Dark Nights comments · Replied to RX500-android in Dark Nights comments

I AGREE WITH THIS!!! Chain And Kaichi deserves love from the MC, too.. qwq

Dark Nights comments · Posted in Dark Nights comments

Oh my god. I love this much. Pinlin, you are too amazing qwq..I'm glad you made this game. It's amazing! I enjoy playing It so much. I love them all. However..Will you ever make a route for Chain and Roya, Lioji(?) In the future? Please? Those three characters have my Interests and love uwu.


I was so happy when we got to stay at Chain's house.. And also when we had a cg where Chain showed his face c: <3

And Roya..Oh my god..Where did the scene In the demo go? I remember he said something like: Where you thinking of ravaging me--? Or something like that and he was In top of us (; ..

Lioji, too...He's so sweet and handsome qwq..I've fallen for his charms..

Okay, enough talking of the 3 boys :3

I saw a reference of 'A Whole New World' In Zeikun's route lmao.


And Kurato's pervy side--...Might be my favorite hehe~ :p

Junoru Is too kind, special..Literally. He's too good for my heart @w@..

And Sachiro...Too. Goddamn. Cute! I could literally die from seeing him ^q^..

That's all I can say :3

Zikun li

Zikun Zhu

I'm sorry If my english Is not good/well..

Love Spell: Written In The Stars comments · Posted in Love Spell: Written In The Stars comments


The game looks so cute !! OwO Will the full game be free?