Plan International has worked in Paraguay since 1994 to achieve lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children.

Overview of holidays and many observances in Paraguay during the year 2021. The co-creation process of Paraguay’s fourth action plan was highly collaborative, resulting in a plan that engages all three branches of government and covers the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. However, due to an overlap with national elections, the process faced challenges associated with the resulting political transition. The IRM recommends the creation of a rules. Paraguay Government 2018 – 2020 Action Plan of Open Government. They needed a platform where citizens could suggest proposals and choose the most interesting ones for the 2018-2020 Action Plan. As well as the creation of spaces for citizen participation.


In Paraguay there are high rates of violence towards girls and women, there is a lack of education and services around sexual health, girls lack meaningful opportunities to participate in society and young people, particularly those who are female, indigenous or have disabilities, lack access to training and jobs.

Paraguay 2018 2020 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog 2016

Our vision for the next 5 years is to work with partners to transform Paraguay into an inclusive, egalitarian society, free of all forms of violence towards girls and women.

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Paraguay 2018 2020 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog -

Paraguay 20182020 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog

Paraguay 2018 2020 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog 2017

We work in development and emergency contexts to ensure that girls and young women can:

Paraguay 2018 2020 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog Youtube

  • Live in safe communities.
  • Make informed decisions about their sexual health and access quality services.
  • Influence decision-making processes that affect them.
  • Access training and get good jobs.